Complete Canvas migration schedule announced

Complete Canvas migration schedule announced

The Learning Management System (LMS) Task Force has finalized its proposed migration schedule for all university programs from Blackboard and Engage to Canvas. Meetings with program directors who manage the first set of program courses selected for migration in August will occur this week. “Migration” is the initial process of copying a course from Blackboard or Engage and importing it into Canvas.

Canvas Kickoff Timeline Announced

Canvas Kickoff Timeline Announced

The Learning Management System (LMS) Task Force met with the Canvas implementation team on July 13 to officially kick off our relationship and make plans for a fall rollout.

Planning to CardinalFlex in Fall 2020

Planning to CardinalFlex in Fall 2020

Note that this post related primarily to the Undergraduate College in Winona.

It’s not fall yet, but we want to make sure you have all of the resources you need to be prepared for a potentially very strange fall semester. At CELT, the part of that package we think we can help with is thinking through a face-to-face course that might involve some students attending remotely, students completing assignments remotely, minimizing large groups, and planning for scenarios where in-person meetings are no longer possible.

Getting Started with Panopto: Creator Training

Getting Started with Panopto: Creator Training

In partnership with Instructional Technology, the IT HelpDesk is excited to announce our first Panopto training webinar.  Everyone is invited. What: Panopto Training “Getting Started: Creator Training” When: 10:00am-11:00am July 10th, 2020 Click here to...