Recordings of Events
Miss a CELT event? Recent events are posted to this page, but eventually moved into the categories below. (Note that you need to log in to Canvas in order to view many of the recordings. If one isn’t working, try logging in to Canvas and then returning to this page.)
Canvas Trainings
Below are a variety of training sessions. Scroll through this section to find various offerings. Click here to find additional tutorials and support resource documents.
- Canvas Overviews:
- Canvas Deep Dives:
- Short Tutorials – NEW!!
Panopto Trainings
(Note: you must be logged in to Canvas or Blackboard in order to view this video.)
TurnItIn Similarity Engine Training from January 6, 2021
Course Design
Decoding Your Discipline: Part 1
Exploring Your Expertise is part one of the Decoding Your Discipline Teaching and Learning Series. During this recorded webinar, you can learn how to help students work through learning bottlenecks by applying Pace and Middendorf’s 7-step decoding model.
25 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Decoding Your Discipline: Part 2
Strategies for Modeling and Practicing Skills is part two of the Decoding Your Discipline Teaching and Learning Series. During this recorded webinar, you will learn how to create ways for students to gain skills through practice and feedback.
23 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Decoding Your Discipline: Part 3
Strategies for Motivating Intellectual and Emotional Growth is part three of the Decoding Your Discipline Teaching and Learning Series. During this recorded webinar, you will explore the connection between student motivation and intellectual and emotional learning bottlenecks as well as ways to design instruction to help students overcome these bottlenecks.
27 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Decoding Your Discipline: Part 4
Assessment Methods for Mastery is part 4 of the Decoding Your Discipline Teaching and Learning Series. During this recorded webinar, you will learn how to gather evidence of students’ mastery of course learning as it connects to learning bottlenecks.
28 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Designing a Flipped Class
This webinar provides a step-by-step approach to designing a flipped class based on Jose Bowen’s book “Teaching Naked.” This recorded webinar is part of the 2014 CELT Teaching and Learning Series: Teaching Naked: Flipping the Classroom.
25 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Designing and Evaluating Group Projects
Learn how to effectively design and evaluate group projects as well as how to select group members.
24 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Explaining Assignments to Students
During this recorded webinar, you can learn how to minimize cognitive load challenges, so students can better understand your assignments.
1 hr 15 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
How to Design an Effective Course
Learn how to design an effective course using a backwards design process.
28 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Active In-Class Learning
Learn how to design “in-class” active learning experiences, especially for flipped learning. This recorded webinar is part of the 2014 CELT Teaching and Learning Series: Teaching Naked: Flipping the Classroom.
20 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Active Learning Strategies
Learn how to create active learning within your course to increase student engagement.
25 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Becoming an Efficient Online Instructor
Learn strategies for facilitating your online courses more efficiently.
51 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Creating an Effective Digital Learning Experience
Watch Rita Conrad deliver the keynote presentation for the 2018 Fall Faculty Conference.
2 hrs. 13 mins.
Supplemental Resources:
Course Beginnings – PowerPoint
Creating Effective Online Discussion Forums
Learn how to design, facilitate, and evaluate asynchronous discussion forums in online environments.
23 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Creating a Sense of Online Presence
Learn how to engage your students and create community in online courses.
31 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Engaging Students in 4-5 Hour Classes
This recorded webinar will help you reinvigorate long classes with engaging activities.
25 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Facilitating Effective Classroom Discussion
Discover ways to facilitate effective classroom discussions, based on the work of Stephen Brookfield, along with considerations for the benefits, pitfalls, and qualities of effective discussion.
22 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Having Fun Teaching Online
Bob Andersen and Sue Hines highlight strategies, tools, and techniques for having fun while teaching online.
48 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Google Slides
Improving Your Teaching Through Reflective Practices
Learn how to enhance your teaching skills by reflecting upon and integrating feedback into your teaching.
Supplemental Resource:
Remote Teaching for Academic Continuity
Get a recap of the University’s decision regarding COVID-19, what you can do today, online options and brainstorming, and contact information and tutoring sessions.
1 hr
Supplemental Resource:
Teaching Classes with Mixed Student Abilities
Learn how to teach in a differentiated manner, addressing students with varied skill levels.
26 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Teaching Critical Thinking Skills
Many instructors strive to enhance their students critical thinking skills but struggle to find ways that are effective. This webinar recording will teach you a basic framework for creating a variety of strategies for teaching critical thinking.
28 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Dr. Annika Konrad’s Talk and Workshop
Dr. Annika Konrad’s Talk: “Learning from Stories of Access Fatigue: Building Interdependence into Pedagogical Design”
Dr. Annika Konrad’s Workshop: “What gets in the way of access and how to fix it”
Fall Faculty Conference on Resilient Pedagogy, Failure, and Teaching Tips
Here is a breakdown if you are looking for something specific:
- [00:00] Conference Welcome and Information
- [10:20] Beginning of Workshop on Failure and Learning
- [1:50:30] Question and Answer on Failure and Learning Workshop
- [2:19:19] Beginning of Resilient Pedagogy Workshop
- [3:16:00] Question and Answer on Resilient Pedagogy
- [3:35:00] Presentation of Brother Julius Winkler Award
- [3:48:00] Mini-Session on Top 5 Teaching Tips from Recent Pedagogical Research
Cardinal Flex
Library Research
Evaluating Resources Used in Student Papers
Learn how to quickly and effectively evaluate the quality of sources used in student papers by watching this webinar.
22 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Google Like a Librarian: Part 1
Your students use Google. You use Google. Learn the secrets of the trade: search tricks, hidden features, and evaluation tips to enhance your search experience for your personal, professional, and academic lives.
28 mins.
Google Like a Librarian: Part 2
Learn how to search for specific articles, copy and paste APA citations, locate the most frequently cited articles and journals on your topic, use advanced search, and more in Google Scholar.
27 mins.
Helping Students Research for Course Assignments
Learn how to teach students a formulaic way to develop research questions, assist in searching for resources, incorporate information research activities into your course, and to assess student research abilities using an information literacy rubric.
34 mins.
Effective PowerPoint Presentations
Communicate your message clearly by using these PowerPoint best practices. Topics covered include use of bullet points, images, text colors, and more.
28 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Exploring and Applying Flipgrid
Flipgrid enables students to create short videos of themselves responding to a question. Student interactions are arranged in a user-friendly grid. Learn how.
50 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Flipgrid Overview (PDF)
Technology with Intent
Learn how to choose technologies purposefully, selecting tools that support your learning objectives during this recorded spring conference.
46 mins.
Supplemental Resources:
PowerPoint | Table Discussions
APA 7th Edition Faculty Webinar
Session 1: References
Session 2: In Text Citations
Session 3: Formatting
30 minutes each
Supplemental Resource:
Powerpoint for Part 1
Powerpoint for Part 2
Powerpoint for Part 3
Cheating in the Digital Age
Learn how cheating has evolved in the digital age. Bob Andersen, Director of Instructional Technology, will introduce you to the many online resources students can now use to cheat on assignments and what you can do to respond to cheating in your courses.
34 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Connecting Research and Writing: Tools for Teaching the Literature Review
Learn how to help students develop a research question, select appropriate and relevant resources, create a cohesive narrative, and avoid plagiarism.
1hr 3 mins.
Supplemental Resources:
Presentation Slides | Supplemental Handout
Effectively Responding to ESL Writers
This recorded webinar will help you gain the basic skills needed to assist ESL writers.
19 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Enhancing Lecture and Discussion Through In-Class Writing Activities
This webinar is Part 1 of the In-Class Writing Activities Series. During the video, you will learn research-based strategies to help students make meaning out of lecture content and engage more deeply in discussion through in-class writing activities. After viewing this video, watch Improving Students’ Writing Through In-Class Activities, which is Part 2 of this series.
27 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
How to Provide Feedback in a Timely Manner
This recorded webinar will help you effectively and efficiently comment on content and grammar errors as well as grade student writing.
32 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Improving Students’ Writing Through In-Class Activities
This webinar is Part 2 of the In-Class Writing Activities Series. You will learn research-based strategies to help students improve their writing process and product through in-class writing activities. Watch this webinar after Enhancing Lecture and Discussion Through In-Class Writing Activities (Part 1).
29 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Learning and Teaching APA: Part 1
Learn APA writing style, referencing, the logic behind referencing, what is and is not referenced in APA writing, and how to copy and paste references from SuperSearch. This recorded webinar is the first of a 3-part series.
30 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Learning and Teaching APA: Part 2
Learn how to format and maintain citations using APA writing style. This recorded webinar is the second of a 3-part series.
30 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Learning and Teaching APA: Part 3
Learn about APA formatting, including tables, headings, citations, numbers, verb tense, use of first person, pronoun agreement, capitalization, and lists. This recorded webinar is the third of a 3-part series.
29 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Providing Feedback to Improve Grammar
As an instructor who is a professional in the field, you may not feel prepared to help your students improve their grammatical writing errors. This recorded webinar will help you gain the basic skills needed to provide feedback for improving student grammar.
32 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Teaching Students How to Develop Academic Papers
This recorded webinar will help you understand the difference between major academic writing assignments and how to support student learning by breaking the assignments up into manageable parts.
32 mins. The Role of Grammar in in Writing Instruction
Supplemental Resource:
The Role of Grammar in Writing Instruction
This recorded webinar will help you understand the difference between major academic writing assignments and how to support student learning by breaking the assignments up into manageable parts.
1hr. 14 mins.
Supplemental Resource:
Using Writing to Promote Deep Learning: Part Two
This 98-minute video is an edited version of day 2 of the 2019Fall Faculty Conference “Supporting Student Writing” with guest speaker Dr. Chris Anson from North Carolina State University. This session discusses strategies designed to improve assignment clarity, enhance effective and efficient instructor feedback, improve student writing while reducing student procrastination.
1 hr 38 mins.
Using Safe Assign to Prevent Plagiarism
Walk through the basics of Safe-Assign, a plagiarism detection software available through Blackboard. Learn how to interpret the reports and how to prevent plagiarism.
29 mins.
Using Your APA Manual
Learn how to better navigate the APA Manual, understand its uses, realize its limitations, and discover additional helpful resources.
29 mins.
Writing in Your Discipline
Browse this PowerPoint to learn how to prepare students for writing in their discipline and/or workplace.