Canvas Coffee and Tea

Canvas Coffee and Tea

Canvas Coffee & Tea is a new, on-campus initiative (Minneapolis now, Winona coming soon)  that focuses on building relationships between Faculty/Instructors and the Instructional Technology and CELT teams. Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea as well as some light snacks to...
Summer Book Club on Connected Teaching

Summer Book Club on Connected Teaching

CELT is hosting a summer teaching book club on Harriet Schwartz’s book Connected Teaching, starting at 12pm on Wednesday, June 23rd and meeting every two weeks through the rest of the summer. We’d love for you to join us for the conversation about this book that explores the connections between teaching and relationships which is central to Lasallian pedagogy both online and face-to-face. A few of the interesting topics will be:

Connected teaching when there isn’t enough time
Assessment as a relational practice
Setting appropriate boundaries with learners
Power and relationships in the classroom

Planning to CardinalFlex in Fall 2020

Planning to CardinalFlex in Fall 2020

Note that this post related primarily to the Undergraduate College in Winona.

It’s not fall yet, but we want to make sure you have all of the resources you need to be prepared for a potentially very strange fall semester. At CELT, the part of that package we think we can help with is thinking through a face-to-face course that might involve some students attending remotely, students completing assignments remotely, minimizing large groups, and planning for scenarios where in-person meetings are no longer possible.